Proposed Roof Replacement in 2024
Posted on December 1, 2023Dear Members,
Post-Covid and with the Petone Club once again in a strong financial position, the Executive Committee have passed a resolution to replace the Club’s leaking roof at a projected cost of $300,000+GST.
In accordance with our Rule Book (Management of Assets – Section 35: Special Expenditure), the membership is being duly notified:
Any resolution passed by the Executive involving an item of capital expenditure of over $100,000 (exclusive of GST) will be posted on the Club notice board.
No such resolution shall take effect until after the expiry of fourteen (14) days.
Should not less than 50 members sign a protest against the proposed expenditure, before the expiration of the said fourteen (14) days, such resolution shall not then take effect until it has been submitted to and approved by a Special or Annual General Meeting.
The project is expected to commence in the latter half of 2024, subject to weather and other conditions.
Yours faithfully,
Iain Craw
General Manager