
Every week from Tuesday through Sunday the Petone Club has a huge assortment of raffles available to its members and guests. Meat packs, cash raffles and Lotto are some of our regular favourites.

Variety is the spice of life at the raffle desk and the Petone Club has a healthy array of seasonal and large scale raffles to tempt you. Bluff oysters, Easter eggs, signed sport jerseys, large trailer raffles and exotic trips away are all on offer throughout the year at the Petone Club.

Club Dress Code

Appearance must be clean, neat and tidy at all times. Obscene or offensive clothing will not be tolerated.

The following clothing may not be worn in the club at any time

  • Bare feet
  • Headwear or baseball caps in dining areas
  • Dirty work boots or gumboots
  • Men’s Singlets
  • Bike shorts or swimwear
  • Gang insignia

Management decisions will be final on all matters relating to dress and behaviour