Covid-19 Measures

Dear Members

As we are all well aware, by now our fair nation is in the throws of the global pandemic that is Covid-19.

Please trust that your Committee, Management & Staff are doing everything we can to minimize any potential spread of the virus within the Club. We have installed several new hand sanitizers around the Club with more expected to arrive in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, due to a nationwide lack of stock this will be a few weeks. We are all stocked up on soap etc… of which is a superior way to ensure the minimization of cross contamination.

Although we are doing everything in our power to continue on as usual, we all need to do our part over the coming months and to this end we implore you to be vigilant in your hygiene. This means washing your hands thoroughly as often as is needed.

Please trust that the staff are continually cleaning common touch surfaces such as push pads, door handles and handrails as well as the gaming machine surfaces, eft-pos terminals, glass fridge doors and of course furniture. However, this quickly becomes a moot exercise if our members do not commit to washing their hands thoroughly and regularly.

Should you be using Club equipment such as pool cues etc… we ask that you wash your hands before and after use and use the sanitizers we have made available to clean down the cues.

We are keeping abreast of all updates from the Ministry of Health in order to review our processes as required.

If you have travelled overseas since March 14th or been in close, prolonged proximity of anyone traveled since then, we ask that you observe the Government procedure for self-isolation as we continue to try and stem the spread of Covid-19 within our Clubrooms over the coming weeks and months.

We wish that you all stay in good health and hope that, with all members doing their part we can stop the virus from entering our beloved clubrooms.

Your Executive Committee and Staff stay committed to continuing business as usual in order that all members have no fear of frequenting their Club.

We look forward to seeing you all over the coming days.

Jim Hogg

Club Dress Code

Appearance must be clean, neat and tidy at all times. Obscene or offensive clothing will not be tolerated.

The following clothing may not be worn in the club at any time

  • Bare feet
  • Headwear or baseball caps in dining areas
  • Dirty work boots or gumboots
  • Men’s Singlets
  • Bike shorts or swimwear
  • Gang insignia

Management decisions will be final on all matters relating to dress and behaviour